[Juel Skin Therapy] Facial/Skin Care and Therapy in Chungdam, Seoul Juel Skin Therapy
[Juel Skin Therapy] Facial/Skin Care and Therapy in Chungdam, Seoul Juel Skin Therapy
[Juel Skin Therapy] Facial/Skin Care and Therapy in Chungdam, Seoul Juel Skin Therapy
[Juel Skin Therapy] Facial/Skin Care and Therapy in Chungdam, Seoul Juel Skin Therapy
[Juel Skin Therapy] Facial/Skin Care and Therapy in Chungdam, Seoul Juel Skin Therapy
[Juel Skin Therapy] Facial/Skin Care and Therapy in Chungdam, Seoul Juel Skin Therapy
[Juel Skin Therapy] Facial/Skin Care and Therapy in Chungdam, Seoul Juel Skin Therapy

[Juel Skin Therapy] ソウル清潭のフェイシャル/スキンケアとセラピー

{価格}% オフ
Juel Skin Therapy は、ソウルの清潭にある高品質のスキンケア サービスです。 お客様のお好みを考慮し、お肌や体質に合わせた様々なソリューションをご提供するプレミアムケアサービスを体験してください!
{価格}% オフ
Juel Skin Therapy は、ソウルの清潭にある高品質のスキンケア サービスです。 お客様のお好みを考慮し、お肌や体質に合わせた様々なソリューションをご提供するプレミアムケアサービスを体験してください!

Juel Skin Therapy

Juel Skin Therapyは、完璧なスキンケア管理で人気を集めています。✨ 専門家の細心の注意を払って、最高の肌状態を目指すすべての訪問者にカスタマイズされたケアを提供します。🌿 清潭洞に位置するこの場所は、肌の健康と美しさを最優先し、各クライアントの独自のニーズに細心の注意を払うことでも有名です。💖 ジュエルスキンセラピーで、あなたも輝く肌を体験できます。💫

ぜひインスタグラムをご覧ください!👉 @ juelskintherapy


💎プレミアムジュエルスキンケア| Premium Juel Skincare

テレビで見る芸能人の毛穴レスで輝く肌を羨む必要はもうありません🌟 ジュエルのケアなら、基本メイクだけで美しく見えるなめらかな肌がすぐに手に入ります💄誠心誠意ケアすることをお約束します。💖



  1. クレンジング
  2. 一次ピーリング:皮膚の不純物の除去
  3. 二次集中ピーリング:美白、ニキビ、シワ対策など、肌タイプに合わせたピーリング
  4. 水滴リフティング:pHバランスを回復し、肌の再生を促進
  5. 輪郭マッサージ:栄養豊富なマッサージクリームを使用して血液循環を促進し、不純物や毒素の除去を助けます
  6. 第一段階のフェイスマスク:肌の回復と鎮静のためのフェイスマスクの塗布
  7. 2段目フェイスマスク:水分補給と保湿バリア強化



💎 プレミアムジュエルボディサーキュレーションセラピー | Premium Juel Body Circulation Therapy

90 分間のプレミアム ボディ サーキュレーション セラピーは、マニュアル セラピーの形式で、自律神経系を調整して体の緊張や内臓の問題のバランスを整え、不要な筋肉の緊張を和らげ、循環を改善し、痛みを和らげ、可動域を広げることで、適切な姿勢を維持するのに役立ちます。









♥️ お知らせ

  1. 3日前までにご予約ください。
  2. 予約リクエスト後、最短1~2営業日以内に予約が確定します。
  3. 確認メールを受信するまでは、予約は確定したものとみなされません。
  4. ご予約のキャンセルは3日前までにお願いいたします。それ以降は返金できません。
  5. 相談会参加者以外は同伴者の立ち入りを制限させていただきます。同伴者がいる場合は事前に許可を得てください。

♥️ セッションの準備をしましょう

  1. 15 分以上遅れた場合は相談ができませんので、参加者全員が時間通りに到着する必要があります。
  2. 保護者同伴の場合は必ず事前に同意をお願いします。



    Customer Reviews

    Based on 5 reviews
    loveuuuuuu from naver

    The difference between before and after care is only known to those who have received it.
    I really, really recommend it.
    They catch the problems of the skin and give the right solution.
    In fact, I've seen a lot of hospitals and bought and tried to use a lot of products, but I didn't feel that it didn't fit my skin or that I was getting better, but this place is really different.
    The skin that was like a dried persimmon is now like a egg? Milk color? I'm just so satisfied with the glow and elasticity.

    jiwonland33 from naver

    I went to get a calming treatment because my skin is so sensitive these days, and it was good to have a thorough consultation and recommend the right care for my skin! I was treated with the water droplet lifting calming mode, and I was grateful for the good explanation and good answers to my questions.👍👍 After the treatment, my skin was calmed down and the tightening symptoms improved a lot!! Very, very satisfied.

    tir**** from naver

    We know you're busy, so we'll start with the bottom line: you'll feel good and satisfied with your skin's guilt-free spending.
    Are you frustrated with your skin? Are you getting pimples where you never had them before? Are puffy eyes bothering you? Are you constantly buying products that promise to hydrate your skin?
    If you want to take care of your skin, but you want to take care of it the right way, then you should definitely go to Juel Skin Therapy.
    Not only have my skin problems improved through acne extrusion, but I come home with glowing skin every time I go because she gives me the right treatment for my current skin and doesn't let me do anything too hard on my skin if it's not in good condition. I wanted to keep it to only myself, but I'm writing this review because I want to wish the owner who does such a good job to do even better.

    ks**** from naver

    I've always had a lot of treatments and I'm very careful about my skin.
    I came here on the recommendation of my friend, and this place is amazing.👍🏻
    The director was really thorough from consultation to treatment. She recommended the right skin care for me and the feedback was good.
    After giving birth, my skin was also puffy and dry, but I received one treatment and made my skin glowing with honey.
    She also recommended cosmetics for me to use at home, but I trust her more because I've seen them at the clinic.
    Especially the decollete massage was so good.
    I feel like my hair has been revitalized.
    I heard they also do body contouring, I'll try it.

    착한거북이 from naver

    I've been going to every shop and dermatologist for a long time because of acne! After I found this place, I got rid of my acne skin that I was struggling with for a long time!
    I started the treatment half-heartedly at first, but it was much faster than I thought, and I saw a noticeable improvement after the third treatment. I don't write reviews very often, but I highly recommend anyone who is struggling with acne skin to go there without being fooled!
    I'm not good at expressing myself, but I want to thank you and the director for the skin I have now!

    Juel Skin Therapy
    🚩Location: チョンダム
