[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin
[Eco Jardin] Hair Salon, Scalp Treatment in Gangnam Daechi Terrace, Seoul Eco Jardin

[Eco Jardin] 首爾江南大峙 美髮沙龍、頭皮護理

{price}% 折扣

Eco Jardin 推出高級頭皮護理計劃

♥️ 請注意,我們不接受當日預訂。

{price}% 折扣

Eco Jardin 推出高級頭皮護理計劃

♥️ 請注意,我們不接受當日預訂。



  • 位於城市喧囂中的“Ecojardin 大峙露台分店”提供了一個寧靜的避風港,可以清潔身心,同時優雅地裝飾空間。
  • 在這個場所,顧客可以擺脫日常生活的壓力,瞬間逃入城市森林,在這個高級美髮沙龍品牌中變得如花般優雅、如寶石般耀眼。
  • 美髮服務包括各種療程,如剪髮、普通燙髮、熱燙、染髮、美甲、半盤髮、盤髮、護髮療程和頭皮頭部水療。



Eco Jardin 推出全面頭皮護理計劃

在 Eco Jardin,我們致力於提供全方位的頭皮健康方法,提供一系列旨在增強您整體健康的診斷和護理服務。

👉 為什麼頭皮護理很重要:

📍 過程

🔍 頭皮檢查 -> 🌿香薰油頭皮診所 -> 🙌 頭皮按摩
-> 💆‍♀️頭皮護理 -> 🙌 頸部按摩 -> 🧴 高級洗髮精 -> 🚿 頭皮水療 -> 🪮造型

程式 價格
幹細胞頭皮水療 180,000 韓元
(含 160,000 韓元+ 10% 增值稅 + 附加費)






以下價格為基本價格,具體價格可能因頭髮的長度和狀況而有所變動。任何附加費用將在現場結算。 🥰


程式 價格
剪髮 (Hair Cut) 42,000 韓元
染髮 (Hair Color) 148,000 韓元
燙髮 (Perm) 195,000 韓元



💄其他療程 | Other Treatment 

程式 價格
凝膠指甲(Gel Nail)

KRW 60,000

凝膠足部護理(Gel Pedicure) KRW 72,000
化妝(Make up)

KRW 72,000



1. 請提前3天預約。

2. 預訂將在預訂請求後至少1-2個工作天內確認。

3. 在您收到確認電子郵件之前,預訂不被視為已確認。

4. 請至少提前3天取消預訂。此後,不予退款。

5. 除諮詢會議參加者外,僅限陪同人員進入。如需陪同,請事先徵得本人同意。

6. 不含導遊或口譯服務。


서울특별시 강남구 남부순환로 2936 (대치동, 윈플러스상가) B107호 | B107 2936, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 


  • 地鐵:從大峙站8號出口,步行3分鐘

  • 入口


Customer Reviews

Based on 231 reviews
very good


Lara Matera

I can't give a good evaluation, I chose this beauty saloon because the site is also in English and they recommended the use of the language.Instead I arrive and they didn't understand anything.
they used the cell phone with the translator to tell me just a few sentences but they didn't understand me.
I wanto to tell only this event.
, I asked to go to the bathroom and they told me no, I used the translator and they told me no at the end a little bit rude I insisted and they sent me a girl who at the word Restroom understood and accompanied me to the bathroom.
I did not understand what they put in my head , I did not understand the skalp analysis only that Is dry ... and I spent too much money not knowing what I did.
I don t Like The styling hair and the hair was not even straight.
So yes They did head sculp spa but i choose this beauty saloon tò have a Better treatment

they didn't even give me a glass of water
So choose another salon that does the same treatment's the same anyway.
I had to insist on understanding which serum I could use for my problem. the sales assistant sold me one that said for all types of comment

christina ferraro

My friend and I both had the scalp spa treatment and we were both surprised by the AI camera results. Because our Korean is not great, the stylists spoke limited conversational English with us and used Papago to give recommendations for our hair. The treatment itself was very relaxing and they serve you coffee/tea while they apply the treatment tonic. After the treatment, they styled my hair so quickly! My friend has very curly hair and they were able to straighten her hair with 2-3 stylists within 20 minutes, which normally would take one stylist at least an hour. They were very efficient. Unfortunately, because it was monsoon season, my wavy hair did not last very long due to the humidity. However, I took the stylists' recommendation and was able to purchase the hair products at the Olive Young on the first floor. I will come again next time I am in Korea ^^

윤이7156 from Naver

Teacher Yeongchan is so good at doing hair that he travels from far away!

핑핑이7959 from Naver

I had a lot of trouble with my long, frizzy hair, but it turned out beautifully.
Did you pat me? Could you please do my hair again next time?

Eco Jardin
🚩Location: 江南
