I really enjoyed my consultation today with my specialist Sulhee, and the translator Seongyeong/Julie. The whole process took around an hour, and they were very accommodating during the process! It was a fun experience overall and would recommend this for anyone seeking this type of service. The specialist went into detail as well to explain the reasoning behind all of her decisions for each color set! There was no issues when it comes to translations either and I do not speak any Korean. Great time!
Google Translate:
오늘 전문의인 설희님과 번역가인 선경/줄리님과의 상담이 정말 즐거웠습니다. 전체 과정은 약 1시간 정도 소요되었으며, 진행되는 동안 그들은 매우 친절했습니다! 전반적으로 재미있는 경험이었으며 이러한 유형의 서비스를 찾는 모든 사람에게 권장됩니다. 전문가는 각 색상 세트에 대한 모든 결정의 이유를 자세히 설명했습니다.